Press Release

For Immediate Release March 17, 2023

Community Solar Circle Celebrates Grand Opening

Community Solar Circle Celebrates Storefront Grand Opening in Camden
800 Market Street, Camden, NJ 08102.

On Thursday, March 17, 2023, Community Solar Circle celebrated its storefront Grand Opening at 800 Market Street in Camden. The storefront opening marks the beginning of their partnership with Camden residents.

In attendance was the Mayor of Camden, Victor Carstarphen; Ashley Bauer from Senator Cory Booker’s office; Dalin Hackley from Congressman Donald Norcross’ office; Ray Jones, President of Camden Business Association; and Heather Sanderson from the South Jersey Chamber of Commerce, along with other business leaders from the solar industry and local nonprofits.

Stephen Renz, President of Community Solar Circle, opened by thanking guests for joining on a chilly morning.

“This ribbon-cutting ceremony is a culmination of many years of hard work and planning. It’s almost hard to believe that it’s happening until I sit back and think of the team of people I work with that brought us here today. Your passion, your dedication, and your hard work blow me away, so thank you, a big shout out to my team for getting us to this point.”

“My team and I are certainly celebrating today, but we also know that this grand opening is not the dream but merely a step towards it. The dream is to bring energy and environmental justice to the city of Camden. And we are going to achieve this by bringing energy savings to residential customers and creating local, sustainable green energy jobs that will go to the residents of this city.”

Renz went on to describe their unique business model.

“Community Solar Circle is a solar subscriber organization registered with the New Jersey board of public utilities. We acquire subscriptions to small pieces of large solar rays that are being constructed on landfills, brownfields, and large rooftops nearby. The panels that a customer leases will feed power into the electric grid resulting in an energy credit that will lower their electricity bills by at least 20 percent. There is no fee to start, maintain, or cancel subscriptions. There is no catch. This is essentially free.”

And residents are the ones with the potential to reap the benefits of CSC.

“As if this isn’t enticing enough already, for every new subscriber, we’ll have them choose a local Camden nonprofit to receive a $100 donation from Community Solar Circle.”

Mayor Carstarphen commented, “This is an opportunity for our residents. I had a meeting with you guys [Community Solar Circle] the other day, and [it’s] unbelievable what I learned. For the last year or so, I’ve run across individuals talking about solar and how it can be impactful for our community.”

“I see an opportunity for our residents to reduce their bills, which helps impact their lives. What you’re [Community Solar Circle] doing today, opening up your business on this corner in this city, is going to be impactful for our residents. We have to get that message out to our residents: that right here you can come to a business that’s offering opportunities to lower and reduce your energy bills.”

After excited applause, Mayor Carstarphen continued, “This is a day to be excited. This is a first in the city of Camden: having this opportunity. Solar!”

“It feels good to know that you all have grown and come from our city, and you’re coming back, you’re reaching back to help improve and help our residents, and that means a lot to me as a Mayor. We work a lot, we get engaged, and we make Camden better. And you are. I look forward to the possibilities of collaboration on different things that can help our city in regard to solar. Look forward to those conversations.”

The ribbon-cutting ceremony commenced immediately after with Community Solar Circle ownership and leadership. Doing the honors with CSC’s President was Mayor Carstarphen.

After, guests were welcome to more coffee and networking while taking a tour of the storefront and offices.

Community Solar Circle would like to offer a special thanks to Nuanced Cafe for providing our our guests with an appetizing breakfast spread of bagels, muffins, fruit, and coffee. Thank you, also, to Kreamies Bakery for the delicious and beautiful logo-branded cookies!

As Mayor Carstarphen said, “Let’s keep pushing. Let’s keep moving forward. Keep working together and making Camden great.”

Stephen Renz, President

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